Securing your Zero Trust Data Connectivity Powered by NetFoundry Webinar

When dealing with sensitive data, how confident are you that it is unaddressable, and invisible from network attacks? Are you securing your data?
For too long, we’ve relied on encryption to protect our data… but with the approach of more sophisticated attack methods — including the threat of quantum on the horizon — how ready are you to deal with the increasing risk?
Differentia Consulting can now present you with a new option — zero trust data connectivity powered by NetFoundry. Delivered 100% as code, this solution can now protect your data from being attacked via the network: securing your data.
To learn more – join us on the 8th of September from 12:00–12:40 (BST) for an introduction to this emerging technology, from NetFoundry VP Philip Griffiths. To attend the webinar, please register below.
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