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Differentia Consulting at the Qlik Developers’s Group Scotland Meetup in Glasgow
Date: 6pm-8:30pm, Thursday 10th October 2019
Location: Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Rd, Glasgow G4 0BA [MAP]
About the Meetup
The Qlik Developer’s Group is a forum for Qlik developers of all levels to learn from and engage with senior industry folk and each other.
This Meetup is for anyone passionate about or interested in Qlik technologies, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Data Analytics, or Data Literacy in their organisations or in their personal passions. We welcome all levels of expertise; technical and business people alike.
Our meetings usually consist of 1-3 presentations including product updates and often inside information on ‘where Qlik’s head is at’. And we always have beer and pizza on tap.
We’re excited to announce Matt Parker of Differentia Consulting as our headline speaker. Matt will be speaking on the topic of Data Literacy.
Further speakers and an updated agenda will be announced later this week.
Plus our standard supply of beer and pizza!
This event will take place in Glasgow at the GCU.
The theme of this meeting will be data literacy.
- Beers, refreshments, snacks, networking
- Welcome & intros
- Matt Parker – Data Literacy
- Pizza & liquid refreshments
- Qlik Product Update
- Close
We look forward to seeing you there.
Please click below to register

Qlik Free Data Literacy check
Qlik is raising awareness about the lack of Data Literacy in the world, specifically the USA and invite you to have a free data literacy check.
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