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Differentia Consulting Intelligent Alerting Webinar
It’s impossible to monitor your data all of the time. Intelligent Alerting is the very start of data analytics as it provides you with the essential information on where to first focus your attention.
Join our Intelligent Alerting Webinar – October 9th 2019 to find out how Qlik Luminary Sean Bruton from Vocational Training Charitable Trust uses various alerting techniques including Qlik NPrinting and Ping to be proactively alerted on the data that matters.
Date: 9th October 2019
Time: 12:00 – 13:00 GMT
Location: Webex (details to be confirmed post registration)
During the Intelligent Alerting Webinar you will also learn about Ping’s new features including:
Share alerts – Ability to send a copy of your alert record to another user who can then take ownership of a full copy of that alert.
Managed shared alerts – Where the creator/owner retains ownership of the record and similar to broadcast functionality but allowing you to choose how the scan is actioned in Qlik. Qlik can be scanned using the record owner’s user credentials with that same result sent to many recipients (broadcast alerts) or Qlik can be scanned for each individual recipient who gets the alert based on their secured subset of data (shared managed alerts)
Daily Digest – Limit the number of notifications you receive by pushing those less important, or less actionable, alerts into a daily summary email. You can still keep track of them but you don’t need immediate alerting for them.
Custom notification/emails – Allowing each alert to be tailored to meet the needs and including right to left language support
Notification frequency – Settings to limit the number of notifications you get regardless of how many times the Qlik app is reloaded; once per day, once per week etc

Qlik Free Data Literacy check
Qlik is raising awareness about the lack of Data Literacy in the world, specifically the USA and invite you to have a free data literacy check.
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